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BBotE Sampler II: The Limited Runs

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2.50 LBS
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Will ship no later than 29th Mar 2025

Product Description

After getting asked enough times, eventually any parent will cave (well, my parents did at least). Enough people pleaded for samplers of the intermittent BBotE production runs that I've decided to make it so. You will get ten 50ml vials of each of the current limited run BBotE varieties I have on hand, usually two of each. You're likely to get:

Death Wish (always will be in there)

Colombia, Peru, Guatemala Antigua, Puerto Rico Yaucono, Tanzania (good chance)

Nicaragua, Philippine Barako & Excelsa (available for roughly half of the year)

Jamaica Blue Mountain (if I've done a production run and have some extra)

EXPERIMENTAL MYSTERY VIALS (sometimes I like to share BBotE experiments in progress)


This line up is likely to change over time because, well, they're intermittent.

Now, just to reiterate, while the caffeine content of BBotE is high, I do not know exactly how high.  I strongly recommend keeping consumption below 100ml/day. Based on personal experience, you're probably want to keep that under 50ml/day for the Death Wish. While you could drink an entire case of Red Bull you picked up at Costco in a day, you probably shouldn’t.  The same wisdom applies to BBotE.  Know your limits and consume accordingly.

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